How to prepare for your interview at Axis
September 30, 2022

In this blog post, Fredrika Hill, HR Specialist at Axis, tells you what you can expect from your job interview at Axis Sweden and gives you some tips and tricks on how to be successful.
Fredrika, what makes Axis special?
It’s all about our culture and our people. Axis is a place full of highly skilled, friendly co-workers who love to work together and challenge each other. This fosters a culture of collaboration and openness where it is ok to fail. It’s the only way you as an employee and Axis can continue to grow, to keep our high level of innovation and become more successful. We recruit people who get the chance to think big, share and try new ideas.
I’ve sent in an application. What happens now?
We’ll reply just as soon as we can. We’re humble and we recognize that you’re waiting, so we do what we can to keep you posted about what’s going on.
Great, I’ve got an interview. What should I think about?
Before you come
First of all, congratulations! This is an important first step for us both. Our way of interviewing is all about real-life examples of how you have acted in different situations. A good way to prepare for this interview is to start by reading the ad again. What are the requirements for the role? Then try to come up with some examples where you have previously displayed these.
During the interview
Remember three things:
- It’s your moment as much as ours. This is your chance to find out if we are the perfect fit for you and what you want from a career. Be curious and explore, your questions are always welcomed!
- We always want you to have a good experience, so if you get stuck, we will of course support you.
- Be specific and structured when answering questions. Try to avoid general answers and, most importantly, be yourself. We want to get to know you as a person. We love to see that you have taken risks, where you have succeeded or failed and how you reflected and developed.
What happens after the interview? Is there a second interview? Will I have to take any tests? If so, what?
If we both think we’re a great match for each other, then the next step depends on the role. It could be a case or code test, an additional interview, or a meeting with a manager’s manager. Your contact person at Axis will walk you through the process for your specific role.

Great. We’re a match! What happens now?
First of all, we should both celebrate!
Now you have an exciting time ahead of you. And don’t worry; we welcome hundreds of new employees every year, so we know how important a great onboarding experience is.
You will have time get to know your new team members and settle into your role. Soon you will also be invited to Axis Introduction Days, where you meet and connect with new colleagues from all over the world.
I didn’t get a job offer. Can I come back and try again?
Of course. Our decision could depend on many things. Perhaps there was a person who we consider was a better fit for that particular role at that particular time. This doesn’t reflect on you or a possible future with us. Most importantly, don’t be disheartened or put off from applying again in future.
Good luck and see you soon at the interview.
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